Measuring systems for stationary and mobile application

In industrial field, fluid-flow measurement is becoming increasingly important. The reasons for that are process optimisation, safety, consistent product quality and environmental protection. With a comprehensive range of product portfolio we solve common measuring tasks in oil and gas industry. Stationary measuring systems for LPG-, LNG-, and CNG-Applications, mobile units for road tankers in diverse executions are primarily produced with Coriolis counter in the meantime.
Since more than thirty years, FAS has been building and supplying measuring devices and plant constructions throughout the world. Wether it is measuring systems with mechanical counters or on the basis of electronical mass flow meters – our products set benchmarks with regard to technology and quality.
Our customers come from various sectors: Chemistry/ petrochemistry, food and beverage industry, water/ sewerage, life sciences, oil and gas, energy and power plants, renewable energies, raw materials and metal, paper and pulp, as well as shipbuilding.
To also ensure the most difficult requirements depending on field of application/ application, we also apply (use) components of our long-term partners “Endres & Hauser“, as well as “LC-Sampi“. Through this cooperations solutions are conceived for project-related plant control, data transmission as well as dimensioning of complete measuring tracks for global / worldwide applications.

Our FAS measuring systems for stationary applications are perfectly suited for refuelling road tankers and railway wagons and are delievered as installation respectively conversion kits, but also possible as completly pre-installed in cabinet construction (design) for lineup outdoors. Depending on customer requirements, it is possible to deliever measurement systems with a keyboard unit, printer, hose reel, breakaway coupling, pump set (unit), and data interface for PC connection.
Measurement system with CORIOLIS mass flowmeters for LPG terminals to refuelling road tankers and railway wagons:
• FAS-LPGmass, power range/ output range up to 750 l/min
• PROMASS E300, power range/ output range up to 5.075 l/min
Measurement system with mechanical counter type LC for LPG terminals to refuelling road tankers and railways wagons:
• LC MA-5, power range/ output range up to 45-227 l/min
• LC MA-7, power range/ output range up to 75-380 l/min
• LC MA-15, power range/ output range up to 150-757 l/min
• LC MA-30, power range/ output range up to 265-1.325 l/min
• LC MA-75, power range/ output range up to 530-2.650 l/min
• LC MA-120, power range/ output range up to 760-3.785 l/min
In addition, we offer you:
• Planning and construction (design)
• Ready-to-plug-in delievery
• Project-related plant control
• Complete installation and commissioning
• Maintenance and service
Measurement systems for liquid gas
- MID400
- FAS remodelling kit for all LC/ SAMPI measurement systems with mechanical or electronical counter
Measurement systems for petroleum products